Thursday 1 September 2022

September again, six years later.

Yes, six years have passed since I started this blog, which came to a halt in February, almost as if I was scared to start the road south. The reality is less romantic: too many things, too little time. September always marks the beginning of my favourite part of the year, from 1st Septemer to 31st December and I'm usually forward to it. This year I find myself lacking the enthusiasm, after an extremely painful beginning of August, which left my already broken heart in tatters. Yet a "shadow of the past", but not an evil one, knocked on my Instagram account and encouraged me to continue with the blog, at a moment when I was reconsidering re-reading The Lord of the Rngs. That knock came when I was feeling extremely down, so allow me to take it as a sign. Then and there, I decided to re-take the blog, with the same original goals, which you can read, if you're interested in following me, on the first entry on this blog (September 12th 2016). 

    This year, September 22nd also falls on a Thursday, as it happens in The Lord of the Rings, so I will start reading again on September 12th - even though that week we will be hosting the 9th Biennial EASLCE Conference - and Gandalf will make his appearance, as he does in the book, at the end of the second week in September; he won't be running late as he did six years ago. Instead of adding new entries, I will edit the ones already existing, adding the new material after the "Six year later" heading that will separate the old from the new. Once I move in  my reading after the part where I stopped the blog, new entries will be added.

    And that's almost all for now. Today is a month since Pichí's soul left his little, adorable body, and this entry is dedicated to him. I miss you, my little one, you have no idea how much.

"You and I shall meet again".



Sunday 25 December 2016

"The Ring Goes South" (III)

Merry Christmas everyone!

The Ring has definitely gone South this morning at dusk. After two months of resting, discussing and planning, the Fellowship of the Ring has left Rivendell to accompany Frodo on his quest to destroy the Ring. The narrator tells us that they left on a day towards the end of December, but the chronology in the appendices tells us that it was won on December 25th, that is, on Christmas Day. No accident, certainly, as it is no accident that the destruction took place exactly three months later, on March 25th.

Wow! Sorry I had to stop. I'm typing with the news on the background and I was listening to an item of news about a centre for seriously ill children in Tenerife and a concert devoted to collecting funds. Guess the music the orchestra was playing. Yes! The soundtrack from The Lord of the Rings; "The Fellowship of the Ring" theme. Amazing!

Wednesday 30 November 2016

"The Ring Goes South" (II)

November finishes today and the hobbits remain in Rivendell. The narrative does not go into detail about how their daily life unfolds in the time they spend there, but we know that this stay is acting as a balm in their wearied bodies and spirits, providing them with a strength that they will certainly need for the hard road ahead. Thus, over a month ago we left them talking and thinking about the past and the dangers that lay in their journey, but any anxiety that they might have had did not last long: "such was the virtue of the land of Rivendell that soon all fear and anxiety was lifted from their minds. The future, good or ill, was not forgotten, but ceased to have any power over the present. Health and hope grew strong in them, and they were content with each good day as it came, taking pleasure in every meal, and in every word and song."

The hobbits are resting, but I have kept really busy, travelling to academic meetings in Brussels and Valencia, and in a couple of days I will be travelling to France. But I have in common with them the fact that these meetings have not just been academic ones, but also an opportunity to spend time with dear friends scattered all over the world. A visit to Rouge-Cloître Abbey was quite a "Rivendelly" experience. 
An Ent?
No matter what a great time one is having when travelling, home is always on the horizon as the place to return. Rivendell has given Frodo the experience to meet Bilbo and Gandalf again and heal from his deadly wound, but he had only planned to take the Ring there and leave its fate in the hands of those he felt were "greater" than him. Even if he willingly offered to take the Ring and is free to back off from his offer, he must certainly miss his home, and long for his return or to spend more time in The Last Homely House East of the Sea". 

I can just imagine the magic of the changing colours of autumn in a place like Rivendell. Who would want to leave it just when winter starts? Who would not want to either stay here or go back home? Who can blame Frodo for feeling that he wished all this had not happened in his time?

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Chapter 2. "The Council of Elrond" & Chapter 3 "The Ring Goes South" (I)

We have an intense day ahead of us; the Council of Elrond is meeting.

So many things we have known, so many new characters; such a scary view of the world to come has taken shape during the Council. Among such high-born people, the small hobbit, Frodo Baggins, offers himself to take the Ring to Mordor, putting himself in the hands of whoever wants to show him the Road. Sam is going to accompany him, and Merry and Pippin, ignorant of the real danger ahead, are envious of him. Nothing is decided yet, but Gandalf may also accompany them, if indeed they are finally taking the Ring. In the meantime, the prospect of resting in Rivendell is much welcome.

While the hobbits rest and get ready for their journey South, I will not be reading much, since there is only a couple of paragraphs separating this part of the narrative from the paragraph that informs us that the hobbits spend nearly two months in Rivendell. Since Rivendell is a place of learning, I will take the opportunity to dig into as many postponed books and essays as possible. But tomorrow, Brussels awaits: the 7th Biennial Conference of the European Association for the Study of Culture, Literature and the Environment. Looking forward to more learning and many, many, many meetings!

Monday 24 October 2016

Book II. Chapter 1. "Many Meetings"

Many meetings, indeed! Frodo is safe and wakes up to hear a voice that informs him that he is in the house of Elrond and that is is the morning of October 24th. And that voice is none other than Gandalf's! Frodo feels even more so how much they needed Gandalf, now that he is close at hand. The old wizard informs him of many things: he was held captive, the wound almost killed Frodo (he was fading, close to becoming a wraith himself), the Dark Lord has many servants, and Glorfilndel is an Elf-lord of a house of princes. They are now safe in Rivendell, where a power lies to withstand that of Mordor, at least for a while, and Rivendell is the perfect place to rest, to gain strength of body and soul.

The joy of seeing again his friends safe and sounds overwhelming, but nothing can compare to what Frodo feels when he sees Bilbo at the great feast!

But there are also new meetings: Glóin, Elrond, and Arwen; and the Elves really look out of this world. After the darkness of the last episodes, the calm light, the music and the warmth at Rivendell heals us like a balm. We are going to rest here a while. But tomorrow we have a long day: The Council of Elrond is meeting.