Interlude (or parenthesis, as you wish)
I knew I said I would be back on the fifth day, since nothing worth writing about is happening these days in The Lord of the Rings, but it's my birthday today and it so happens that, on this same day, Glorfindel left Rivendell. it was the year 3018 of the Third Age, and it was also a Sunday. Although Glorfindel barely appears later on in the narrative - in the film his role was given to Arwen - in a few days he will play a decisive role in helping Frodo cross the Ford of Bruinen. Had it not been for his horse Asfaloth, I am afraid the quest would have ended sooner, and the ending would have not been "eucatastrophic".
I like Glorfindel, and I would have liked to see more of him in The Lord of the Rings, but it's good - if only for my ego, granted - to know that he left Rivendell on my birthday :-)
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