Thursday, 1 September 2022

September again, six years later.

Yes, six years have passed since I started this blog, which came to a halt in February, almost as if I was scared to start the road south. The reality is less romantic: too many things, too little time. September always marks the beginning of my favourite part of the year, from 1st Septemer to 31st December and I'm usually forward to it. This year I find myself lacking the enthusiasm, after an extremely painful beginning of August, which left my already broken heart in tatters. Yet a "shadow of the past", but not an evil one, knocked on my Instagram account and encouraged me to continue with the blog, at a moment when I was reconsidering re-reading The Lord of the Rngs. That knock came when I was feeling extremely down, so allow me to take it as a sign. Then and there, I decided to re-take the blog, with the same original goals, which you can read, if you're interested in following me, on the first entry on this blog (September 12th 2016). 

    This year, September 22nd also falls on a Thursday, as it happens in The Lord of the Rings, so I will start reading again on September 12th - even though that week we will be hosting the 9th Biennial EASLCE Conference - and Gandalf will make his appearance, as he does in the book, at the end of the second week in September; he won't be running late as he did six years ago. Instead of adding new entries, I will edit the ones already existing, adding the new material after the "Six year later" heading that will separate the old from the new. Once I move in  my reading after the part where I stopped the blog, new entries will be added.

    And that's almost all for now. Today is a month since Pichí's soul left his little, adorable body, and this entry is dedicated to him. I miss you, my little one, you have no idea how much.

"You and I shall meet again".




  1. Congratulations! I am happy to read this post and look forward to reading both the updates and the new ones. Keep it going.
